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Amersfoort cohort study

Why can some over-70s still run a weekly lap with ease, while others struggle to walk to the supermarket? Are there tests that can predict who will age healthily and who will develop health problems?

To find answers to these two questions, we are conducting a long-term study in our vitality center. In this study, we are following nearly 2,500 residents aged 55 and older from the municipality of Amersfoort for 10 years to collect as much data as possible. The goal is to determine predictive factors for healthy aging.

In this AMCOHF study (Amersfoort Cohort Study on Functional Decline, Healthy Aging and Frailty), study participants complete questionnaires and visit the vitality center once every two years. Here heart and lung capacity and responsiveness are measured, among other things, and participants take various strength tests.

With the results from this long-term research, SOMT University of Physiotherapy aims to develop predictive models that can be used in clinical reasoning models in practice. These predictive models can be used to develop preventive programs to reduce mental and cognitive decline. The research findings also provide a basis for developing healthcare products and national models of care.

Of course, all knowledge from the study will be directly incorporated into the undergraduate and graduate education at SOMT University of Physiotherapy.

Want to know more or participate in this study?

Are you curious how exactly the study is set up, or do you fall within the target group and would like to participate? More information and the possibility to register as a participant can be found on this website.

“When I tell people about the senior citizen survey, I get enthusiastic responses and invariably the question, Do they still need candidates?” – Survey participant

Researchers wanted

We are looking for physiotherapists who want to participate as researchers in the Amersfoort cohort study. In one training day and at least three measurement days you will learn to do protocol research with the DEXA scan, the Optogait and the CPET. Participation in this study is accredited. You can sign up as a researcher through the Contact page.

Collaborative partners

In the AMCOHF study, SOMT University on Physiotherapy is collaborating with a steering committee consisting of scientists from Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Technische Universiteit Delft and Universiteit Maastricht. The Department of Geriatrics and Clinical Chemistry at Meander Medical Center is also involved in this study.

In the measurement street, SOMT University of Physiotherapy is collaborating with ProCare, Lode, aXtion and Microsoft.